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10 de dezembro de 2018

Wishilist Dresslily Christmas

Hello lovers!!Today I bring a Christmas wishilist from the Dresslily store. I love the Christmas season because at this time the online stores make many promotions on the site.

The Dresslily store has wonderful clothes, many cute accessories, and a lot of Christmas theme. If you like clothes with Christmas prints enjoy that there are many beautiful things and with promotional prices.
Check everything here in the link:

see below my wishilist

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

Dresslily Store is offering a discount code to my followers, so enjoy and buy and use the discount code.(the discount 20% reduction and Validity: 2018/12/05-2018/01/10)

Use code " DLBF20 "    for all order with over 10USD save 2USD;
Use code " DLBF20 "    for all order with over 20USD save 4USD ;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 30USD save 6USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "    for all order with over 40USD save 8USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 50USD save 10USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 60USD save 12USD ;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 70USD save 14USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 80USD save 16USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 90USD save 18USD;
Use code  " DLBF20 "   for all order with over 100USD save 20USD ;

22 de novembro de 2018

Black Friday FashionMia

Hello lovers!!!How are you?Today the post is about an international online store that sells lots of beautiful and cheap clothes the store is called FashionMia.

The Mia fashion store has wonderful clothes, if you have a party to go, you will surely find many beautiful models of dresses.

Check out the session: sexy skater dresses

  Click here and see

Click here and see

Now if you want a more social outfit for work at the Fashion Mia store you will find many social skirts, many social trousers and find many blazers, so you get very elegant.

Check out the session: women's blazers on sale

Click here and see

Click here and see

At Fashion Mia you also find many beautiful purses, walking bags, work bags, there are many models of bags to choose from.

There are many jewelry sets, modern and chic to leave your perfect look, I am passionate about jewelry and Fashion Mia has many beautiful jewels that are at great prices.

You will also find many accessories, earrings, rings, bracelets, also find hair accessories.
And if you like to go to the beach, you also find many bikinis and beach exit for you to walk modern and comfortable on the beach.
Enjoy that the store is with Black Friday promotions and make your choices, the goods arrive fast and make up for much buy at FashionMia.
If you wear larger number of clothes on FashionMia you also find plus size clothes, beautiful party dresses, beautiful sweaters, find bigger size pants.
About the company FashionMia
FashionMia is your online stop for modern, irresistible and affordable women's clothing. Never before has he dressed so easily. Our carefully selected selection of clothing, accessories and clothing is always fashionable and always available at the best prices on the web. FashionMia is dedicated to delivering high quality clothing to women that will make them look and feel their best. We believe every woman has the right to dress well and should not have to spend as much to love as she looks like. We make it easy for you to wear clothes that you love everyday, giving you the confidence you need to conquer the world!
Visit the FashionMia website:

18 de novembro de 2018


 Olá amores!!!Tudo bem?O post de hoje é sobre os lançamentos de esmaltes da Nati para as festas de fim de ano!!


O fim do ano está chegando e as loucas por esmaltes vão ter motivos de sobra para ficarem ainda mais alvoroçadas com a novidade que a NATI preparou para esta época única. A marca se inspirou no glamour das festas e nos lindos brilhos dos fogos de artifícios para desenvolver a coleção DEIXA BRILHAR, uma coleção em edição limitada com cinco cores intensas e pigmentos especiais, que vão deixar as unhas impecáveis e sofisticadas.

As cores são:
ESTRELA GUIA – azul acinzentado metálico com microglitter

MISTURA FINA – cereja metálico com microglitter

POTE DE OURO – ouro metálico acetinado com glow dourado

JÓIA RARA – vermelho aberto com glow dourado

LUZ RADIANTE – dourado metálico com mix de microglitter furtacor

– São 5FREE, ou seja, livres de DBP, tolueno, formaldeído, canfora e resina de formaldeído, substâncias que podem causar alergias e ainda contém TRICLOSAN, um componente poderoso que desodoriza as unhas e cutículas, eliminando as bactérias causadoras do mau odor.

– Pincel BIG BRUSH com modelo achatado (flat). Possui o dobro de cerdas, seguindo os padrões internacionais, pois, facilita a aplicação e permite que cada camada seja distribuída de forma uniforme sobre as unhas.

– Secagem rápida;

– Durabilidade e

– Longa duração.

Preço sugerido: R$ 2,50 (frasco com 8 ml)

Sac: (11) 3230-9606 ou
Disponível nas perfumarias e lojas especializadas.
Instagram: @naticosmetica
Facebook: naticosmetica

17 de novembro de 2018

Black Friday Popreal

Hello my love!!!!
Today the post is from an international online store called Popreal. This store sells newborn clothes and sells children's clothes, also sells clothing matching such mother and daughter and such father and son.

The Popreal store has many Black Friday promotions. It has lots of beautiful clothes and great price.
Check the sessions:

Popreal's clothes are very stylish, with great material, they are very comfortable for your baby to wear.

She has beautiful clothes for her children, has wonderful sets, and has pieces that match her mother and daughter.

In the Popreal store you also find many clothes for women, beautiful dresses, sweaters, which are also on sale.

I indicate this store for you that likes to buy clothes in online store, because the prices are good and the clothes of great quality.

2 de novembro de 2018

Resenha de Base Make B. Color Adapt oBoticário

Olá amores!!!Tudo bem?Hoje trago a resenha da base líquida color adapt make b. oBoticário!!! Que promete adaptar ao seu tom de pele.Sera que essa base é boa mesmo?

Minhas Impressões sobre a base:

Eu testei essa base em vídeo e minhas primeiras impressões foram ótimas,realmente ela adaptou ao meu tom  de pele.


A cobertura dessa base é leve pois tem cobertura inteligente de efeito natural,e é de longa duração,essa base é ótima pra usar durante o dia,pois é mais leve,já se você preferir uma base mais leve pra usar a noite também pode usar essa base,só fazer 2 camadas que fica perfeita.Essa base é perfeita pra quem não gosta de base reboco.


Como tem ótima cobertura essa base dura bastante,pois não transfere na pele.
Essa base tem proteção solar FPS 20/ UVA ++ e é uma base OIL FREE, Ideal para pele oleosa, é uma base de longa duração.

A embalagem:

A embalagem dessa base é bem moderna assim como todos os produtos da linha make b.
Ela é preta com a tampa prata,e vem com a cor da base no meio,assim fica melhor pra você comprar sua base,pois vem a cor na embalagem.

Minha opinião final sobre essa base:

Essa base é ótima tem um ótimo preço, é uma base de custo benefício,se você não gosta de base muito pesada e quer uma base mais leve super indico pra vocês,o cheiro dela é suave não prejudica quem tem alergia.
Gostei muito dessa base pois realmente adaptou ao meu tom de pele.
Veja resenha completa dessa base no vídeo abaixo:

16 de outubro de 2018

Fashionme Store

Hello, my love! All right? Today I come to show you another online store that sells many beautiful clothes. The name of this store is 'Fashionme' !!!

You know that I'm in love with international online stores because the prices are cheap and the quality clothes. The good thing about shopping online is that you save money and always walk in style.

In the store 'Fashionme' you find many beautiful clothes that are fashion trends, whatever your style, have casual fashion, social fashion and many beautiful clothes.
If your style is stripped and you like to wear Hoodies, the Fashionme store has many beautiful models of
Cyber ​​Monday trendy hoodies, priced at the promotion.

If you have a wedding party to go to and need a social dress, la has many dresses to choose from.
If you have prom party you also find wonderful dresses to shine at the party.
And if you have a ballad to go there you will also find several dresses for the night, which are a charm.

It also has dresses for you to wear day by day, printed dresses, animal print, floral print dresses, also have wonderful jeans dresses. Cyber Monday long shift dresses, have wonderful dresses to wear on hot summer days, as they are light and fluids.

This store also has shoes: wonderful sandals for you to wear in the summer, have sandal platform, have jumpsuit sandal to make you look beautiful at the party and have wonderful boots.

And there are many beautiful accessories: earrings, necklaces, rings, Bracelets, I'm passionate about accessories, and in that store there are many accessories baratinhos, to compose the look.

And as the heat is arriving in this store you find many swimsuits, to go on the beach and swimming pools. The bikinis are wonderful, has many different models and varied prints, has beach exit, has beautiful swimsuits. The beach clothes are perfect , model more beautiful than the other, I was in love with the pieces.

There are lots of beautiful, stylish jeans, and lots of social pants as well. It has gorgeous shorts, skirts of various models and colors.

In this store you also find lots of stylish bag, I am passionate about bags and the bags of this store are perfect, has many colors and different models, from shoulder bag to party bag. And the price are cheap.

I hope you liked the post dr today, I wanted to introduce you to this wonderful store that has amazing clothes.

15 de outubro de 2018

Wishilist Rosegal Halloween

Olá amores!!!Tudo bem?O halloween está chefando,o dia das bruxas,gosto dessa época do ano,e a loja Rosegal,tem muitas promoções de roupas e acessórios para o Dia das Bruxas.

Se você gosta de comemorar Halloween,vai gostar de conferir Rosegal Halloween Sale,onde você vai encontrar lindas roupas para usar nas festas de Halloween,encontra também acessórios de tema halloween e encontra várias decorações para casa:Como lindas almofadas e papel de parede.

Eu já fiz minhas escolhas,montei uma wishilist com várias peças legais de Halloween,vamos conferir!!!

1.Vestido de abóbora

5.Almofada de abóbora

A loja Rosegal é parceira do blog e preparou um cupom de desconto mega especial para os meus fãs(seguidores).

código: RGNancy (oferecendo 12% de desconto na compra
Entre no site da loja e aproveite esse mega desconto.
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